Cartoons on life, kids, work and love.

Yup, because life is a balancing act! Sometime it feels like juggling raw eggs (or fire balls) while walking on a tight rope. And more often it feels mellow and sweet. 
And life with kids is much, much sweeter with a pinch of fun and laughter.
Just a pinch?

Give me bag loads please! And a whole lot more, with cartoons of life, kids, work and lots of love.



I Love Kids’ Germs

Cartoon kid germs sick mama Fissos World


When Karma comes kicking

When karma comes kicking cartoon Fissos World


Keep Zen and Carry On

Keep Zen Carry On Cartoon Kids Fissos World


P is for Poop: Help your child learn to read

Teach child Read Cartoon Poop Fissos World


Eat Your Vegetables

eat vegetables couple life different diet cartoons Fissos World


Sharing my love for plants (and chocolate) with my kid

gardening with kids cartoon Fissos World


 Crawling Out from My crystal Cave

Yes, well, sometimes I’d love to just crawl back in!!

crawling out from crystal cave cartoon Fissos World


Little Boys Don’t Have Hiccups, They Have Pick-ups

Kid talk learning speak cartoon Fissos World


International Parenting

International parenting expat life kids cartoon Fissos World


A Girl’s Gotta Do What a Girl’s Gotta Do when She’s Moving to a New Land

a girls gotta do what she gotta do cartoon expat- ife Fissos World


On the Road Again! Moving with Baby!

moving with baby backpacking baby cartoon Fissos World


Kid’s First Day at School

Guess who’s more stressed out??
first day at school kids cartoon Fissos World


My Second Day at School

Phiew… First day at school went smoothly. My kid is ready for University!
Second day will be easy-peasy!
kid doesn't want go school cartoon Fissos World
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